Saturday, October 4, 2008

Running in the "rain"...

Believe it or not, today raindrops are falling from the sky above Santa Barbara. I had heard rumors about this possibility, though the weatherperson is not always accurate around these parts. Truthfully, calling it rain may be kind of a stretch, as Oregonians and SE Alaskans would likely classify it as drizzle. Technicalities aside, however, I will consider it rain, as it is in fact little water droplets falling from the sky, making the ground wet. To celebrate this unusual weather, I went for a run. There is something so incredibly energizing about running with the cool moisture tickling the skin like a sweet massage. With every mile, I found myself craving more and more time outside, among the peaceful shower. Along the way, my mind drifted back to times and places where rain was an integral part of my existence. Living in California has been an extreme change. I have grown to love the sunshine, though it is the rain that truly brings me joy. The reason is obviously more complicated than a mere preference for one type of weather over the other. Essentially it is the rain that refreshes me soul and makes me feel calm and peaceful. In addition, living in rainy climates taught me to appreciate the simple pleasures of life more. Those lessons and feelings of inner serenity are why I love a rainy day. Here's to the rain...hip hip hurray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It rained here too. Much more than a drizzle as it woke me up and poured as we were leaving Jerry's! Now it is just cloudy with a slight breeze. Enjoy the rain and hopefully the hillsides won't have any issues with the miosture.