Monday, July 30, 2007

Lavender fields forever...

In celebration of lavender season, some friends and I excursioned to Los Olivos this afternoon. We were thrilled with the relaxing aroma, though a bit surprised by the abundance of bees.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fire Line...

This is a view of the fire line on Hurricane Deck. Kyle was able to snap a few photos on his helicopter ride yesterday.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Smoke on the horizon...

A valley view of the Zaca fire, which still continues to burn on the other side of the mountain.

Monday, July 23, 2007

He's back!

After a few weeks of fire duty, the Man in Green has returned.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A sailor's delight?

With the Zaca Fire still raging on the other side of the mountains, the night sky in Santa Barbara was once again full of unusual colors.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hooray for apricots...

A fun summer afternoon resulted in the creation of a few batches of beautiful apricot jam. Karen, Melanie, and I cheered as the jars popped and sealed...Hooray!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Our first tomatoes...

The first crop from our beloved tomato plants was harvested today. Home-grown tomatoes rule!

Where in the world is Kandie???

The Eiffel Tower in Santa Barbara? The French Festival this weekend supplied my friend Karen and I with a "teethy grin" photo opportunity that we just couldn't resist.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Smoky Sunset...

Smoke from the Zaca fire visited Santa Barbara this evening, illuminating the sky with a vibrant pink and purple glow.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Our urban garden

This is a view of our front door and our little urban garden. We have chard, onions, peppers, three types of tomatoes, strawberries, and flowers.

Summer solstice baby...

Meet Jonah Julius Young, our new nephew. Kara delivered this healthy boy on Kyle's birthday.

A salute to Friendship...

A sad farewell to our special friends from Korea.


Kyle slicing his birthday pie. Nice smile!

They say it's your birthday...

A happy birthday strawberry rhubarb pie.

Chalk Art

I Madonnari street painting festival in Santa Barbara.

Happy 29th!

A birthday celebration for Kandie in San Diego. Art, coffee, music, and fun; what more could a girl ask for?

Suessical Playground...

Joshua Tree in April was hot and dry, though absolutely stunning. Dr. Suess-like trees growing in artistic formations around the desert delighted our senses and captivated our imaginations.

Biker Dude!

In March, Kyle completed a 100-mile bike ride in the Solvang area. Check out his cool spandex!

Our digs

Here's a glimpse of our bright and cozy little kitchen.

The adventure officially begins...

The K-deux began with an elopement in Kauai on November 24, 2006.