Monday, September 17, 2012

Wading in the Waves...

This past weekend we experienced a bit of a heat wave in our neighborhood.  To escape the hot weather, we headed to the beach.  There, it was gray and cool;  a perfect temporary reprieve and a stellar spot for a dog walk.  G is getting increasingly bold and quick on her feet.  She LOVES the water, with a fearless abandon.  Eventually our walk became more of a monitored wading session, which ended in a soggy and sandy face plant.  Irregardless, fun was had by all, which was our goal.  Mission accomplished!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Harvester in Training...

This past week I was delighted to share one of my greatest joys with G.  We went blueberry picking.  Last year I took her, and she spent the whole time nestled in the Ergo.  This year, however, she actually picked.  Not all of the berries she selected were blue and ripe, though she was very careful and focused on the task.  I was impressed.  She is so much fun!  I look forward to future fruit harvesting adventures with her.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Top Five Banff/Jasper Trip Highlights, Eh

We spent last week visiting our northern neighbor, Canada.  What a wonderful time we had.  It was G's first time flying, a feet that she accomplished with relative poise.  There were a few restless and boisterous moments, though overall she did well.  From Calgary we headed to Banff, and then up the Icefields Parkway to Jasper.  Along the way we saw incredible mountain vistas and loads of wild animals.   After a couple days in Jasper, we ventured back towards Banff, to a small railroad town in BC called Field.  It was quaint and full of character, a nice reprieve from the tour buses and general madness of the popular national parks we were visiting.  From Field we completed the trek back to Calgary, stopping for another hike outside of Lake Louise and Banff.  We were blessed with pleasant weather, safety, and joyful memories.  It was a fun adventure.

#5  Field B.C.
#4 Views of the Canadian Rockies and Lakes (Alberta)

#3 Hike to Lake Agnes Tea House (Lake Louise)
#2  Wildlife Spottings (Grizzly Bear)

#1 Icefield Parkway Drive and Wilcox Hike

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day, DaDa

Time flies when you are having fun, which apparently means that this past year was an absolute blast because it passed by so quickly.  If G could completely communicate her thoughts and feelings I think she would say thanks for being such a great DaDa, and also that she loves you a lot.  This parenthood adventure has been quite the ride.  I am glad to be sharing it with you.  Thanks for all you do!  You truly are a stellar dad to little G. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

G's New Ride

A few weeks ago, a coworker gifted us with a bike trailer.  Today was the first time we were able to take it out for a spin.  Getting the helmet adjusted was the biggest obstacle, and G did not like it at all initially.  Once they were on the road, however, she seemed to enjoy herself.  Hopefully this will be the beginning of increased family bike and/or bike and running adventures.  We'll see.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gwyneth n Ybike

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Harvesting New Memories...

Today we celebrated Father's Day by taking a little drive to Avila Beach to pick olallieberries and walk the pier, after enjoying a breakfast of aebleskivers at home. G was a trouper and daddy had a good time as well. We are loving the simple joys that come from parenthood.